Tag: Optimization

Performance Profiling

Sampling vs. Instrumentation Profilers in Unity: When to Use Each for Better Performance

Choosing between sampling and instrumental profilers depends on what you’re trying to optimize. Unity Profiler gives precise timing data but adds overhead, making it great for tracking spikes and slow scripts. Sampling profilers like Superluminal are better for finding CPU hotspots and analyzing multi-threading with minimal impact. What is the best approach?

DOTS ECS Entities Job System Optimization Performance Testing

Unity ECS Performance Testing: The Way To The Best Performance

In this series extension, we deep dive into performance testing for Unity ECS. With Unity’s multiple approaches to do the same thing, testing has been crucial in optimizing my game. Many developers, like me, held off using Unity.Entities until the 1.0 launch because the API kept changing. Performance testing allows us to compare different techniques quickly. Talking about parallelization, it’s hard to tell if your code is running better on the main thread or otherwise, unless you test it. Through testing, we can decipher minute performance differences. I also use tests to track performance after optimization attempts and minor code updates. I’ve further explained the test setup and provided code examples for clarity.

Loading Memory Optimization Performance

Should you use ScriptableObject to store settings in Unity?

While passing technical interviews the topic of using ScriptableObjects was raised a lot of times, but not all studios use them or even know about its advantages. In this post I would like to share reasons why I use it myself and would be happy to discuss additional pros and cons in the comments.
TL;DR: Use ScriptableObject when you need to store and customize properties of your scripts.